Complete Pass

Includes evening welcome party on 9 October and on 10 October access to Festival's sessions, networking venues, Awards Show and closing party.

350,00 € + VAT
Complete Pass
with lunch

Includes evening welcome party on 9 October and on 10 October access to Festival's sessions, networking venues, Awards Show, closing party and lunch on 10 October (lunch break).

365,00 € + VAT
Young Drummers Pass
(under 30 years old)

Includes evening welcome party on 9 October and on 10 October access to Festival's sessions, networking venues, Awards Show and closing party.

80,00 € + VAT


TYPENET Price22% VAT included
Complete Pass
Complete Festival Pass (9 - 10 October)

Includes evening welcome party on 9 October and on 10 October access to Festival's sessions, networking venues, Awards Show and closing party.

350,00 €427,00 €
Complete Festival Pass (9 - 10 October) with lunch

Includes evening welcome party on 9 October and on 10 October access to Festival's sessions, networking venues, Awards Show, closing party and lunch on 10 October (lunch break).

365,00 €445,30 €
Young Drummers pass
Young Drummers Festival Pass (under 30 years old)

Includes evening welcome party on 9 October and on 10 October access to Festival's sessions, networking venues, Awards Show and closing party.

80,00 €97,60 €
Young Drummers Festival Pass (under 30 years old) with lunch

Includes evening welcome party on 9 October and on 10 October access to Festival's sessions, networking venues, Awards Show, closing party, and lunch on 10 October (lunch break).

95,00 €115,90 €
Awards Show & Party
Awards Show & Party (10 October 2024)

Includes access to Awards Show and closing party on 10 October.

150,00 €183,00 €
Član SOZ - posebna cena

Vključuje večerni sprejem 9. oktobra ter festivalsko kotizacijo za 10. oktober (predavanja, festivalsko dogajanje, podelitev nagrad in zaključno zabavo).

150,00 €183,00 €
SOZ PASS s kosilom

Vključuje večerni sprejem 9. oktobra ter festivalsko kotizacijo za 10. oktober (predavanja, festivalsko dogajanje, podelitev nagrad, zaključno zabavo in kosilo 10. oktobra).

165,00 €201,30 €

VAT will be charged under Articles 53 and 54 of VAT Directive.

Pricelist in Slovene / Cenik prijavnin v slovenščini



  • SOZ PASS in SOZ PASS S KOSILOM sta posebni ponudbi, ki veljata izključno za člane Slovenske oglaševalske zbornice.
  • Group discount: We offer group discount for registering 15 or more delegates from the same agency/company. For more information contact [email protected].
  • Special offer: By entering 10 or more entries in the competition you are entitled to 1 complete delegate pass free of charge. For registration contact [email protected].
  • European Associations /Partnering Golden Drum/: 20% discount on delegate registration fees. For more information and to get the discount code contact your Association.



Failing to pay the invoice does not automatically imply cancellation of the conference registration. Only written requests received at [email protected] will be taken into consideration. 30 EUR + VAT cancellation costs are charged for cancellations before 25 September 2024. 50 EUR + VAT cancellation costs are charged for cancellations from 26 September to 6 October 2024. If you cancel your registration after this date, we will charge 100% registration fee as cancellation costs.

In the event the registered person cannot participate at the 30th Golden Drum due to force majeure it is possible to register a substitute participant in accordance with the general terms and conditions.



By registering for the festival, you agree to the general terms and conditions.


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