Frequently asked questions at Golden Drum
Registering into the online system

I registered in the online system and activated my account, but can’t log in.
Try the forgotten password button to reset your password. If this doesn’t work, please, contact info@goldendrum.com.


What is the deadline?
Entry deadline is 22 August 2025 at 23.59 CET.
The Festival offers three different entry fees: 
  • Super Early Bird Fee (7 March – 25 April 2025),
  • Early Bird Fee (26 April – 27 June 2025),
  • Standard Fee (28 June 2025 on).
What is the entry fee?
All entry fees can be found here.
Is my work eligible for the Golden Drum Competition?
The Golden Drum competition is open to all agencies, advertisers, clients, design or production houses, media and other parties involved in the creation or production of marketing communications registered in the following countries: Albania, Austria, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Georgia, Greece, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lebanon, Lithuania, Malta, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Norway, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan.
Only the Game Changer group in section All Juries is open WORLDWIDE*.
*Golden Drum, international festival of creativity, has suspended Russia and Belarus from submitting entries into this year’s competition and from having representatives in the juries. 
What is the eligibility period for this year?
All entries must have been aired/published/implemented for the first time between 22 August 2024 and 22 August 2025. Except in groups A Brand Building – category Brand Vitality and H B2B – category B2B Brand Vitality where the start of the communication must have been aired/published/implemented for the first time before 22 August 2024. Entries must not have been entered in the Golden Drum competition in previous years.
Can I re-enter my 2025 work if I entered it in a previous festival?
No, entries must not have been entered in the Golden Drum competition in previous years. 
How do I submit my entry?
All entries must be submitted through our entry submission system. No entries will be accepted in any other format.
Which Group & Category should I enter my work in?
If, even after reading the category descriptions on the Golden Drum website, you are unsure in which category to enter, please contact us at entries@goldendrum.com with a brief description of the campaign you wish to enter followed by your questions.
Can I enter my work multiple times into one group?
An individual entry may be registered once in the same group, EXCEPT in sections One-Channel and Omni-Channel Drum, where one entry can be registered into up to three different categories within each group. In all groups in section Craft Drum (A. Industry Craft, B. Motion Craft, C. Digital Craft and D. Innovation Craft), and Creative Media Excellence Drum, (B. Excellence in Media), the same entry can be submitted into multiple categories within those specific groups.
Can I enter a series?
You can enter a series in section One-Channel Drum group A. Film, B. Print, C. Out of home and D. Audio, section Craft Drum group A. Industry Craft, B. Motion Craft, C. Digital Craft and D. Innovation Craft, section Creative Media Excellence, Drum group  B. Excellence in Media, and section All Juries group A. Genius Loci/Local Spirit, B. Social good and C. Game Changer.
I am entering the series as a whole.
First entry of the series will be charged by the entry fee for the individual group (by the entry fee posted on the Golden Drum website Fees & Payment), while each additional entry within the series will be charged a flat fee of 170 € per entry (no matter how many entries).
I am entering the series as a group of individual works.
Entrant submits any number of works as individual entries and pays the entry fee for each entry (by the entry fee posted on the Golden Drum website Fees & Payment). The jury will judge each part/work of the series separately, each part/work if awarded is given separate points. The jury reserves the right to award only individual parts/work of the series.
Where can I find the technical requirements to enter my work?
You can find general technical specifications on this link: https://goldendrum.com/competition/groups-and-categories/general.
Why is it important that all the information in my form is written correctly and in the same way?
This is important for the awards that are presented on the basis of the Golden Drum’s point system. 
Do we need to send any physical materials for our entry?
No, you do not need to send any physical materials to our Festival office.
I can’t finalise my entry. What can I do?
If you see a red dot next to your entry it means that you don’t have all the required materials, you have too many of them or you don’t have the correct materials ... In conclusion, something is not okay with your materials and that’s why you can’t finalise your entry. You should check Technical requirements and upload the correct materials. In case you still have problems with finalising your entries please contact the Festival office.
I can’t verify my company's VAT number.
Make sure your VAT number is the same as it is in VIES system (for EU). Click Verify VAT number. In case it doesn’t match check how it’s written there click EDIT and change it.  In case you still have problems please contact the Festival office.
How to make a good case movie?
For most of the Groups, you need to prepare a case film to present your work. In some other
Groups and categories, a case film is also an optional material that allows you to better present your work. 
The case film shall be presented to the juries and please bear in mind that all jury members judge all the works entered. The juries expect the case film to be clear and concise by showing key creative solutions and results, less so in terms of its effectiveness. For a reference on good case films, please check the showcase of awarded entries from previous Festivals on www.goldendrum.com.
When do we get the invoice?
If you pay by credit card the invoice will be automatically sent to your email. In case you will pay by bank transfer you will automatically receive a summary to your email. Invoice will be sent to you in the following days.
Can I change the payer on the invoice?
You can select and enter the payers information (Billing company) in the step Payment. In case of later edits please contact info@goldendrum.com.
Are there any discounts on entry fees?
We have a special offer for Ukrainian entrants - a 50% discount on entry fees. For more information please contact entries@goldendrum.com.
All entrants can get 10 + 1 (for every 10 entries you get 1 complete delegate pass without lunch free of charge).
What are payment methods?
You can choose between paying by Credit Card or via bank transfer.
Who should I contact if I have any questions?
For any questions concerning entry procedure please contact our Awards & Competition Team at entries@goldendrum.com.

Attending the Festival

Do you have any group discounts?
We offer a group discount for registering 15 or more delegates from the same agency/company. For more information contact info@goldendrum.com.
I entered 10 or more entries in the competition. Do I get any free passes?
By entering 10 or more entries in the competition you are entitled to 1 complete delegate pass without lunch free of charge. For registration contact info@goldendrum.com.
I am a member of a European Association that is a partner with Golden Drum.
European Associations that are partners with Golden Drum get a 20 % discount on delegate registration fees. For more information and to get the discount code contact your Association. List of European Association entitled to the discount can be found here.
Sem član SOZ.*
Za člane Slovenske oglaševalske zbornice velja posebna ponudba za osebno udeležbo: SOZ PASS (200 EUR na osebo) in SOZ PASS s kosilom (220 EUR na osebo).
*For attendees from Slovenia
V sistemu ne vidim kotizacije za člane SOZ.*
Če ne vidite kotizacije za člane SOZ, svetujemo, da še enkrat pregledate prijavne podatke v prijavnem sistemu. Za upoštevanje kotizacije za člane SOZ morate imeti navedene podatke podjetja, ki je član SOZ. V primeru, da imate podatke navedene in še vedno ne vidite kotizacije za člane SOZ, se obrnite na info@goldendrum.com.
*For attendees from Slovenia
Can I see in the system who have I already bought a delegate fee for?
In the online system click DELEGATE SYSTEM and then DELEGATES.
I can’t verify my company's VAT number.
Make sure your VAT number is the same as it is in VIES system (for EU). Click Verify VAT number. In case it doesn’t match check how it’s written there click EDIT and change it.  In case you still have problems please contact the Festival office.
Where can I find delegate fees?
All delegate fees can be found here.
The discount is not applied.
All discounts will be considered in step 4. Overview. If the discounts are not considered, please contact info@goldendrum.com
When do we get the invoice?
If you pay by credit card the invoice will be automatically sent to your email. In case you will pay by bank transfer you will automatically receive a summary to your email. Invoice will be sent to you in the following days.
Can I change the payer on the invoice?
You can select and enter the payers information (Billing company) in the step Payment. In case of later edits please contact info@goldendrum.com.
What are payment methods?
You can choose between paying by Credit Card or via bank transfer.
Where will the Festival take place?
In 2025 the Festival will take place in Grand Hotel Bernardin, Portorož, Slovenia. More information on the location can be found here.
Where should I book an accommodation?
All participants are invited to book accommodation in Hotels Bernardin (event venue) at special rates at one of the hotels listed here.
Which are the airports nearby?
If you are planning to fly to Slovenia or nearby countries, a list of the nearest airports and their distance from Portorož can be found here.
Who should I contact if I have any questions?
For any questions please contact info@goldendrum.com.


If you have any other questions write us at entries@goldendrum.com (Competition and Young Drumers Competition) or info@goldendrum.com (General Information).



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