Cactos – Energy, but better.
Creative idea
Laura Tohtua Cactos is an energy storage system built using upcycled EV batteries, making it the most ecological option on the market. It manages and optimises a property’s energy consumption needs, without you having to lift a finger. Combining this ingenious innovation with the founders’ Finnish (admirably relentless) attitude, our task was simple: a brand identity they would proudly stand behind, that would make them famous worldwide, all while supporting sales by making the product and its benefits as easy to grasp as possible. The outcome sticks out in the otherwise techy and conventional category.
Brand name: Cactos
Advertiser / client: Cactos
Product / service: Energy Cell Storage Systems
Campaign name: Energy, but better
Agency: hasan & partners, Helsinki
Production company: [email protected]
Web address:
Creative director: Laura Tohtua & Chris Bolton
Art director: Chris Bolton
Copywriter: Laura Tohtua
Designer: Chris Bolton, Elina Brunfeldt, Jarkko Ojanen, Katariina Kantola
Account director (agency): Oskari Leino
Client account director: Oskari Leino
Managing director: Riku Vassinen
Strategic planner / strategist: Olli Nuutila
Illustrator: Alberto Luque
Film production: Santeri Enstedt
Digital strategist: Katariina Kantola
Digital creative: Katariina Kantola, Elina Brunfeldt