Award Points

Entries included on the shortlist and Bronze Drum, Silver Drum, Golden Drum, Grand Prix, Best of Social Good, Best of Genius Loci and Game Changer Award recipients shall receive points as follows:

Finalist (Shortlist)1
Bronze Drum2
Silver Drum4
Golden Drum8
Grand Prix12
*Best of Genius Loci12
**Best of Social Good12
***Game Changer (Open Worldwide)12


​Series of entries included on the shortlist and Bronze Drum, Silver Drum, Golden Drum, Grand Prix, Best of Social Good, Best of Genius Loci and Game Changer award recipients shall receive points as follows:

Finalist1 point for every entry
Bronze Drum2 points (first entry) + 2 points (every additional entry)
Silver Drum4 points (first entry) + 2 points (every additional entry)
Golden Drum8 points (first entry) +  2 points (every additional entry)
Grand Prix12 points (first entry) +  2 points (every additional entry)
*Best of Genius Loci12 points (first entry) + 2 points (every additional entry)
**Best of Social Good12 points (first entry) + 2 points (every additional entry)
***Game Changer12 points (first entry) + 2 points (every additional entry)


*  Based on the jury’s decision, Bronze, Silver and Gold awards will be granted. Grand Prix is not awarded in the Genius Loci / Local Spirit Group. However, the winner will receive the Best of Genius Loci / Local Spirit Award. The recipient of this award gets 12 points. The Jury reserves the right to withhold this award.

** Based on the jury’s decision, Bronze, Silver and Gold awards will be granted. Grand Prix is not awarded in the Social Good Group. However, the winner will receive the Best of Social Good Award. The recipient of this award gets 12 points. The Jury reserves the right to withhold this award.

*** Based on the jury’s decision, Bronze, Silver and Gold awards will be granted. Grand Prix is not awarded in the Game Chnager Group. However, the winner will receive the Game Changer Award. The recipient of this award gets 12 points. All winners in this group are included in WARC rankings and The Drum World Creative Rankings. Although, the group is open to entries worldwide, only the 42 countries eligible to compete at the Golden Drum Festival Competition will receive points for Golden Drum rankings. The Jury reserves the right to withhold this award.

**** Only the points for the highest-ranking award shall be taken into account.



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