Jiri Mikes, Golden Drum Hall of Fame Member and Golden Drum Ambassador from Czech Republic
GD, my love and choice..
“Some years ago I was approached by Jure Apih. It happened in Prague and I was that time chairman of the Association of Advertising Agencies. Jure was editor of the Slovenian Delo and excedent prognostic, as well. We were discussing posibilities of having real international advertising festival, something like the western Cannes Lions. In our case festival of the so called New Europe. Slovenia was a proper place to organize that. Small but developed market, friendly people, nice nature. So I confirmed that we would promote Slovenia instead any other country from the post socialist countries. Than I presented our idea at the European Association of Advertising Agencies where I was board member. Golden Drum got patronage and was included among the top European ad. festival. Mission was accomplished. So good luck Golden Drum and keep going strong in the years to come!”