Yigal Baron

My fondest memory of Golden Drum

Yigal Baron, Golden Drum Ambassador from Israel

“Hi there, to all the Golden Drummers. For me the Golden Drum festival is a special break, one that lets me slow down and enjoy a creative atmosphere while celebrating our profession with colleagues from all over the world. That’s what happened at the Golden Drum 2010, where a fascinating encounter with a wonderful man whose name has regrettably slipped my mind over time resulted in a tour of the salt works not far from Portorož. The tour of the salt pans and of the production facility captured my imagination, the superb products manufactured there aroused my interest in bringing them home with me to Israel. I left the facility laden with documents and price quotes, with the intention of importing these products to Israel. Two days after landing in Israel I had already opened a new company, procured the necessary approval to import and market these wonderful products in Israel, began work on branding, and more. But then, not long after, the partner who had joined me on this enterprise became ill and died and the project came to a standstill. This year when I come to Portorož again to celebrate Golden Drum’s Silver Jubilee, I shall stand by the salt pans of Portorož and remember my friend/partner and the fact that creativity is another wonderful justification for life.”

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