Dorottya Tóth

Creative Director, DDB Budapest, Hungary

Dorottya was one of 8 people who were granted admission to Hungary’s first novel copywriter course. Continuing that lucky streak, she attended Cannes Lions Festival as a Young Lion in her first year employed at an agency, and has spent the next decade of her career making sure to never lose that dewy-eyed enthusiasm of a 24-year-old. Over the years, her work has been awarded at Cannes Lions, D&AD, The One Show, The Clios, London International Awards, New York Festivals, Golden Drum, and Epica. She is an alumna of LIA’s Creative LIAisons ’21 and The One Club’s Next Creative Leaders ’23 who spends most of her working hours trying to produce stuff that makes people a bit prouder to be a creative in Hungary of all places. In the rest, she sends gratuitous SNL sketches to colleagues. Since 2023, she has been called a Creative Director for all that.

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