Golden Drum on The Drum World Creative Rankings


The Drum World Creative Rankings present the most awarded creatives, companies, and campaigns from prestigious international creative awards shows 


This year's The Drum World Creative Ranking has expanded its scope to review an even broader range of global creative awards competitions, with analysis of 22 global and regional shows analysed by The Drum’s research team.  Next to The Golden Drum Awards, the rankings included Dubai Lynx, Spikes Asia, Adfest, Clio Awards, Guldagget Sweden Awards, The Drum Awards, D&AD, ADC US, The One Show, Cannes Lions, Danish Creative Circle among others.

In a new development, The Drum introduces a dedicated online hub that aggregates key lists, providing a place for the global audience to comprehensively explore the World Creative Rankings. The Drum will host not only the rankings but also a complete editorial analysis, featuring major interviews with elite creative talents and in-depth dives into the most-awarded campaigns. A free summary report will also be accessible through the new hub. 


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