Independent Agency of the Year Award Powered by NLB


Independant Agency of the Year Award will celebrate the most successful independent advertising agency. It will be awarded to the independant agency that collects the most points based on the Festival’s points system, throughout all sections and special groups. This award is supported by NLB.

»NLB Group is the leading banking and financial group with headquarters and an exclusive strategic interest in our home region – Southeast Europe and this is only one reason we have decided to support Golder Drum, a festival which is similar as NLB Group focusing on region we are calling our home. We are aware that maintaining a strong brand and strengthening attributes that increase the preferential selection and primary use of a particular product or service among consumers is crucial for the successful operation of any company. This makes creative industry vital part of each business and regional economy in general. An important part of regional creative industry is represented by independent agencies, which similarly to NLB Group focus on Southeast Europe – our home region. Independent agencies bring new ideas, enrich the creative industry and thereby enrich society as a whole. This is why we are proudly supporting Independent Agency of the Year award.«

Andrej Krajner  – Communications Director at NLB Group

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