New Visual Identity





In these challenging times, the Golden Drum festival comes to a fresh starting point, aiming to rebuild its identity in full creative glory. With an exciting new direction, it's time to follow up on last year's Re:starting foundations, building up our community and setting the course for new creativity!

With this in mind our new art concept places the slogan REBUILDING CONNECTION as a shared community goal. The key elements of the Golden Drum's new story are rooted in youthful ideation and human interaction, the way child's play creates tight bonds between everyone participating in the game.

It takes us back to playfulness and wonder as powerful means of creating the bigger picture, outside the box. The color scheme is vibrant and cheerful, using harmonious proportions to spotlight a complex message: rebuilding our human connections in ways as raw and as real as children at play – precisely where the seed of creativity sprouts.

These elements reflect in our direction for the (still) challenging age, driving our festival's timeless purpose of bringing people together to foster the full range of human creativity. Indeed, a single individual can be brilliantly creative, but just imagine the potential of creativity when people step together into a community. Such networks offer true potential to unleash our whole creative spirit.

Agency: DROM Agency
Art Director: Marko Klemen
Copywriter: Maša Stanič
Project leader: Irena Kotnik

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