Feel My Love

Entry code: YDC018GD24
Group: YDC

Creative idea

This series of posters taps into the intensity, the intimacy, and the raw feelings of love. The challenge was to capture the feelings, showing the sensual side of a country in a set of photographs that talked to the raw beauty of Slovenia. The execution is a collage of intimate/sensual black and white photos overlayed on top of Slovenian scenery working with one another to give a new meaning to the landscapes. The goal is for the viewers to perceive Slovenia as an array of emotions they would otherwise feel toward a person they are intimate with. It's sexy, steamy and a bit naughty. We talk to the audience in a way they haven't been talked to when choosing their next travel destination, it's not your usual tourism ad, but it's a memorable, emotive one.

Authors: Tina Milošič


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